Kua mataora au I te teretere mai na runga ite moana no te mea ka rauka iakoe ite aravei i toou au taeake tuketuke. kua rauka mai matou e rua ika i nanai i te Tapatri kua mataora. Mea kaimanga te katoatoa rava te manga e te vai. mataora tikai au te trip to Hawaii toku first time teia ki Hawaii. taku ngai reka roa i te teretere na runga i te moana e po akaieie tikai au i te karokaro i te au etu e te manea te marama.
I’m happy to be sailing on the ocean because you get to meet new friends. We were all happy to be able catch two fish yesterday. When we eat, there’s plenty of food and water for everyone.
I’m excited for this trip to Hawai’i as it will be my first time there. On this voyage across the ocean I enjoy night time because I can see all of the beautiful stars and the moon