Born in a small township in central Hawkesbay under the korowai of Ngati Kahungungu, Whataiapiti. Later on in life influenced by carving and stories on marae’s, I took a deep interest in maoridom until a kaumatua said to me ” Boy no whea mai koe” It was then that I planned to search for myself, a search that brought me to the Cook Islands. Within the first 5 months I sailed on interisland boats to 7 islands, it was then that I discovered “no ea mai au” that was in 1987 E kimianga mekameka tikai.
Tetini is a master carver and a taunga tatau and has sailed on many voyages with the CIVS throughout the pacific islands.
Tetini designed the motifs on the sails of Marumaru Atua and hand painted them on to the original sails. The motif on the sails of Marumaru Atua inner design is ”Rua matangi” wind compass, it show’s the 16 points of the wind compass that is used by the Cook Islands met service. Starting from the north going clock wise. Akarua [North], Maoake ma Akarua, Maoake, Maoake Opue, Marangai [East], Muri Marangai, Muri, Tonga Opue, Tonga [South],Raki, Iku, Iku Kaka, Parapu Opunga [West], Tokerau Ngae, Tokerau, Tokerau Tu.
Inside there is a Manutai motif, this is encompassed by 8 peru [ comb] which give the effect of the Sun ray’s, each of the peru show Pirianga,[ the horizon ] Nga Etu [the stars], Mau Rima [unity of the people] and finally Nio Mango [sharks teeth].
Tetini is also a great tattooist here in Rarotonga here are some videos featuring his work.