Never would I have ever thought that I would celebrate a birthday away at sea. This sail to Suwarrow from the leadup, to where I am now, currently 2.5 days in, has been an exceptional experience! This is the most at home I have felt, being away from land.
I am surrounded by an interesting and diverse range of people that are in different seasons of their lives. I find once you’re in this unique environment, the luxuries and responsibilities we enjoy and have to abide by daily become obsolete – Life becomes simpler and people to follow thereafter.
After the layers and often irrelevant distractions are taken away, you get to see glimpses of a person’s spirit and this is the reason why I have always enjoyed my time with the voyaging society! Somewhere between the romanticized sea-faring fairytale life of Moana, and the grit and grind of Adventures of the Pirate Jack Sparrow is what voyaging is for me, in my experience.
Things aren’t always pretty out at sea, but once a lot of the BS is taken away, the lessons, opportunities and connections you’re presented with are immeasurable in value! Here’s to 31 years of life and all of its many lessons and to the people that add value to mine on a daily. I am grateful!
Enere Koteka