Day 11 away from the comforts of home, currently outside Anchorage Island, at 1700hrs.
Since being in Suwarrow, the concept of time has, for the most part, been a distant memory.
On land, we wake up when the sun is rising (or earlier if Papa Harry is up and at em, with the lovely alarm sound of a grunty old generator). We eat when it feels about time that our stomachs are ready to be filled again, or after a long hard mission out in the atoll. And the rest of the day is filled with adventures, bit of weeding, or general relaxing and lounging around.
On the Vaka, time is important for the watch changes, especially at night. But during the day, we are going with what feels right. A list of jobs is slowly being completed, and lots of good food is being consumed.
Today we made fresh water from salt water, with the declination unit. It was very exciting and celebrations were on with fresh water washes and cooler temperatured drinking water. Everyone is a shade or 3 darker, and lots of banter is in the air.
Yesterday we had a bit of excitement with a yacht pulling into the lagoon. Suwarrow is however closed for the season because of Covid19, so the interaction was very brief.

Daily Blog 17: Deon Wong
Kia orana tatou katoatoa, ite aroa maata o te Atua Toku ingoa ko D tane, no roto mai ite au iwi Ngati