Daily Blog 5: Vavia Puapii

Kia orana everyone. For day five on the ocean we came through a lot of big squalls! It’s just been really rough, raining all through the night always filling up our bunks with water. Some big waterfalls down there. But aside all of that, everyone is enjoying the trip. We’re all eating well, no one […]

Daily blog 3 – Keli’i Kaneshiro

I’m finally started to get adjusted to life at sea. the first day was probably the most challenging. Sea sickness, keeping your balance, finding things, using the bathroom, #1 and #2, the changing sleep schedules. They are the most basic things that you take for granted when on land. I’m surround by a bunch of […]

Daily Blog 4 – Oliver Oolders

Ollys blog Kia Orana, today my watch began at 3.00am with Vavia, Steak, Tama and Hulu. It was a real stary morning which was appreciated heaps because our last night watch was windy and very wet with no stars to help guide us, so everybody was happy as this morning. We finished our watch at […]

Daily Blog 1 – Tama Tuakanangaro

Tama Tuakanangaro – Te Puna Marama Voyaging Foundation trainee Kia orana everyone. Teia te mataora nei au i to matou teret Iere’anga na runga i te moana. Inana’i, kua akaruke atu matou ia Rarotonga i te popongi. Kua mataora tikae au i ta matou au anga’anga tei rave atu i runga i te vaka. Mei te tamoumou […]

Cook Islands reps attend training to preserve audiovisual taonga

New Zealand’s audiovisual archive Ngā Taonga Sound and Vision supported by Manatū Taonga (New Zealand Ministry for Cultural Heritage) are providing two digitisation kits to the Cook Islands. The two local organisations receiving the kits are the Ministry of Cultural Development (MOCD) and the Cook Islands Voyaging Society. As part of the handover, three members […]