Peteros Blog – For Tuesday 29th 2021
Kiaorana, my name is Petero Rea I will be sharing about our arrival onto Tongareva and also what we did today with the Apii Omoka.
7days on the ocean we made it! On our arrival I was so excited to wake up knowing we were about to dock the Vaka Marumaru Atua into Omoka harbour, even more excited to take my first step & my first time onto the beautiful Island called TONGAREVA!
While docking the Vaka onto the island there was a lot of people and school kids welcoming us with the sounds of the drums, cheering & Laughter! It was so cool man!
After the welcome chant we responded with our chant IVITU lead by my bro Dauson, we also received beautiful ei’s from the children. Meitaki Poria 🏽
12pm a Kai Kai was prepared for us with the tongareva council, just in time cause I was really hungry man and the Kai was made with Tongareva Love Yum. I saw familiar faces from Rarotonga my Aunty & my friends what a small world!
Tuesday 9am Popongi Manea
today we had our school program with the Junior kids taking them through our Vaka gear from Lifejackets to tying knots and throwing Ropes and then the star compass talking about the naturals elements we use to sail.
Thank you mum & my family for your support I’m so glad I took this opportunity! Bless you all.
Love Petero 🤙🏽