Good evening,
MMA evening report at 1800hrs 23/6/21
15 10.5S 159 10.2W CO 010 SP 4.5
Another slow sailing day. The day was boosted when we caught a 20kg Wahoo. Fresh fish for dinner
We’re three days into sailing from Aitutaki to Penryn. We’ve been motor sailing for the past two days as the winds are not in our favor. Meitaki Maata to Chris Vaile & Triad for the bio fuel that’s been helping Vaka Marumaruatua move efficiently towards Penrhyn. I’ve spent the journey sitting and anticipating for something exciting to happen, hoping to sight a whale or dolphin. It hasn’t happened yet but this is all part of being out in nature, to be out in the vast pacific ocean is an excitement in itself. I feel privileged to be able to be on this journey of discovery, venturing into our own backyard and learning more about who we are.
The days are long and the nights longer, the crew passes time playing ukulele, singing and eating (so much eating). Breakfast this morning was banana pancakes, their was so much pancakes I was certain we would be eating it again for lunch and dinner. Thankfully the crew ate it all by lunch. Wahoos for dinner! We put a fishing line out and caught a Wahoo fish just in time for dinner! Sashimi and fish curry is on the menu tonight, straight from the ocean to our table, YUM!
Last night Papa Steves crew spotted what they thought was a comet/meteorite, awe struck by the event they described it as a huge bright ball of fire sky rocketing low across the Vaka, it had a long trail of smoke behind it, splitting into two as it faded into the night.
We’re three days into our sailing, hopefully three more days and we’ll reach our destination. I’m so excited to see Penrhyn!!
Daily Blog 17: Deon Wong
Kia orana tatou katoatoa, ite aroa maata o te Atua Toku ingoa ko D tane, no roto mai ite au iwi Ngati