Tāua e Moana Voyage (2)

Blog 2 – Ngā Pū Toru – Tāua e Moana Voyage

Blog 2 – Konini Rongo from Kōrero o te ‘Ōrau 
The overnight sail to Atiu was a bit on the rough side for us new voyagers, but okay for our seasoned sailors. This experience has been very eye-opening and exhilarating! I have enjoyed both the practical and theoretical side of our voyage so far. From being on the oe, tying knots, tacking, logging and even washing the dishes. Life’s great!
I find it so amazing that we are doing what we are doing; sailing on a vaka to a whole new island! Never in my life would I have imagined me doing so. No regrets…yet.
My father and I have placed upon ourselves the most important yet difficult responsibility. Music. Whether or not the crew appreciate it…Meh. It is what it is. We’ve been using our ukarere that was also taken on the northern group voyage.
This ukarere has seen the whole northern group and will now see the sourthern! Lucky fella. It’ll probably go down in history. Maybe I’ll sell it because it should be worth a lot more now. Kidding.
Atiu is in sight and we’re just hours away from reaching it. Exciting things and exciting times!
That’s all from me fam!
Ka kite!
Konini Rongo

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