Blog 3 from Zebadiah Revake of CIVS and his first Voyage 

Drifting off the coast of Atiu, the electric blues and turquoise blues of the ocean are mesmerizing.
The wind curls down over the land and around where we are just drifting in the lee of the island – while I am sitting there resting my jaw on my hand thinking “”this is amazing”. the rest of the team has gone ashore to deliver programs and eat a lot – while a skeleton crew remains on the vaka, looking after and keeps the boat on it drifting course.
No mooring or anchoring points are available here so we just drift up and down. Its tedious but someone’s gotten lie in the sun in the all day. Shirts off guns out- s lip slop slap – oh no here comes the rain.
It was busy afternoon, we had all the seniors from Apii Enuamanu college on board, going through sail, mast, reefing, sheeting, steering and all that good stuff. These guys pick it really quick and note – none of these kids get seasick ! that’s the report from the bow of Marumaru Atua – meitaki ngao – Zebadiah